Keepers Universes
Earth 1-Our world
Earth 2-The Primary Keepers Universe. The main universe the American Keepers are located in. This is the most fleshed out of my universes I have designed in the Keepers Multiverse.
Earth 3-A universe where the Keepers fell in 2047 during the execution of Order 38 of the New American Empire established by the Chasers. Supreme Commander Snow Ashe of the Keepers went to hiding along with the few surviving Keepers with the hope that one day they’d be able to take down the Empire and restore the American Republic.
Earth 4-A universe where the Keepers exist, but in this universe, while most events kinda sync up with Earth 2, in 2154 a virus is unleashed on Earth. A virus that would reset society to the way it was before the time of the Great Purge of the Shadows in 2060. It was worked on by the members of the Dark Island Nation. The name was Project Genesis.
Earth 5-The Arcadians Universe. A universe where the Keepers exist but they’re overshadowed by the Arcadians who are made up of Keepers and non Keepers
Earth 6-A greener and much more advanced universe than most of the Earths in the Keepers Multiverse, the cities on Earth 6 appear almost overgrown due to the amount of vines and trees covering and surrounding the buildings. Deserts were transformed into grasslands and forests across the world by the Green Earth Division, an organization originally created by the US Government in the 1920’s, but as time went on more countries joined. By 2025 the Earth in that universe had only a few deserts remaining, primarily as wildlife preserves for desert creatures. Solar, hydroelectric, and wind power reign supreme in that universe and have done so since the 1880s when technology boomed. The Keepers in that universe exist but the United States doesn’t fall in 2025. The Keepers work alongside the United States and British militaries to preserve peace around the globe. The Snow Ashe of that universe is still the Supreme Commander of the Keepers, based out of Camulod, and works closely with the United States President and King of the new British Empire.
Earth 8-A world that is very similar to Earth 2, but one where the United States never fell due to corruption. The American Keepers exist as a more secret organization than they do on Earth 2 and by doing so they have a lot more freedom.
Earth 9-Virtually untouched at first glance, but the deeper you look, the more you realize..there’s something strange about this world. The ground feels almost hollow in certain areas.
Earth 10-When the Keepers from Earth 9 show up, the planet appeared to be uninhabited except for the wildlife. But while on our world we have made lakes, tamed rivers, and carved out mountains, this world was vastly untamed. Or so it appeared. The more the Keepers explored, the more they realized, they weren’t the first to be on this world. Remnants of some long-lost civilization could be seen if they looked hard enough.
Earth 15-The universe where the Icefyran Empire dominates most of North America after the fall of the United States in 1879.
Earth 22-The Contemporary Fantasy Universe. The universe where beings from the myths, legends, and fantasy stories from our universe exist alongside humans.
Earth 23-A universe where the Earth entered a new ice age in the 21st century and the nations of the world were forced underground. During this ice age, hundreds upon thousands of tunnels and underground cities were constructed by the most powerful nations such as the United States, Russia, Australia, and Great Britain.